Global Water Works


Northeast Florida Coastline
Aerial Photography by Donna Kaluzniak

After spending a lifetime in the water industry I'm still in love with water. I found Global Water Works (GWW) (actually they found me), and love the organization and the website. With over 1500 members, Global Water Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the world's water crises in the next generation. 

Water technology is one of the main topics, but all water issues and new solutions are discussed and highlighted. Various groups within the site focus on topics such as Atmospheric Water Generation (getting water from air); NextGen (info and tools for the next generation); Plastic Pollution; Women in Water; Smart Water (digital water solutions); GlobalWaterWorks for the Navajo Nation and more. 

GWW has an up-to-date list of events - water conferences, webcasts, and expos - for everything water. And virtual collaboration meetings for GWW members are offered as well.

Water is a critical resource--water is life! Please check out Global Water Works and request membership if you find it as important and fascinating as I do. You'll meet a lot of great people, from top water experts to students and concerned citizens. 


  1. Solving the Global Water Crisis in this generation means YOU are essential... We hope you will join Donna and the community on this great initiative.... Connect. Collaborate and Celebrate what can happen when each of us plays our part. :-)


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