Keeping Murder Hornets at Bay
Scientists remove a nest of Asian giant hornets in Washington State. Photo Credit: WSDA Asian Giant Hornets The first nest of Asian giant hornets (murder hornets) in the United States in 2021 was eradicated on August 25 in Washington State. A resident noticed a live murder hornet on August 11, and experts from the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and the Oregon Department of Agriculture placed tracking devices on three of the hornets to find the nest. (That must have been challenging)! Scientist don't know exactly how the Asian giant hornets arrived here. Like many invasive species, the hornets may have traveled on container ships. First found in the U.S and Canada in December 2019, murder hornets ( Vespa mandarinia ) are the largest hornet species in the world. Their stinger is longer than most hornets' and they can sting through standard beekeeping attire. Their venom is more toxic and they can sting more than once. Murder hornets don't generally a