Watch the Christmas Comet--This Year's Brightest Comet

Comet 46P/Wirtanen
Image Credit: NASA
Just a quick post to let you know about this year's brightest comet.

On December 16, 2018 Wirtanen, also called Comet 46P, will be closer to the earth than it has been for over four centuries.

It will be a mere 7.1 million miles away, or about 30 times the distance of the moon. Wirtanen may be visible to the naked eye, but ambient light and the nearly full moon could make it hard to see. Binoculars or a telescope would be better.

Check the website Time and Date to find out the best time to view the comet. Wirtanen will appear as a diffuse green object.

If you can't get outside to watch it, go to The Virtual Telescope Project to watch it online!


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